Thursday, December 22, 2022

Using a web hosting service is much simpler than you might think. Unlike hosting your site locally, you don’t have to deal with the hassle and financial burden of managing your own server.

Let’s go through the proper steps on how to host a website to see how it works.

1. Decide on Your Website Type

Once you’ve determined the type of website to build, it’s easier to estimate the number of resources it needs to perform optimally. From there, you can narrow down web hosting services that meet your requirements.

Most web hosts offer various hosting plans for static and dynamic sites. Swahili Hosting, for instance, provides shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, and VPS hosting services.

2. Research Hosting Providers

As your chosen hosting plays a crucial role in your website’s performance, it’s essential to consider your options carefully.

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is relying on prices to determine hosting companies’ service quality. There are hosting companies with low starting prices that offer more server resources and overall better services than those with high starting prices, and vice versa.

3. Select a Hosting Plan

Choosing a web hosting plan is essential in developing a website because different hosting types offer different resources. Storage space, memory, and the number of CPUs are a few factors you should consider when picking a hosting service.

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